Monday, February 25, 2013


In a recent study,

In a recent study, women were given a whole bunch of math tests to take (sounds like everyone’s dream weekend, right?! I kid. I kid.). They were told to put their real names on half the tests they took, and to put a fake name on the other half. All the tests were just as hard, but women did surprisingly better on the tests that didn’t have their real names on them! That means that when we’re not worriedabout being judged, or feeling shy because people will know how we did at something, we actually kick more ass, not less.
Maybe that’s why so many super heroes wear disguises. They feel stronger and less shy when their identity isn’t on the line! I guess the lesson is to just take a deep breath, and do your absolute best at everything you do–without worrying that anybody’s going to see the results or know that it was you who did it. You’re strong and smart. Don’t undermine or underestimate yourself, girl!

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